Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Comic Book Art

Comic book art is a unique style, mostly used in comic books and cartoons or games which try to emulate a comic book style, whether or not they were inspired by a comic book. The best examples of games using a comic book style are The Walking Dead adventure game and The Wolf Among Us adventure game, both by Telltale Games.

The Walking Dead

The Wolf Among Us

My personal favourite example of comic book art is in the Batman comic books, and fan art drawn by people, such as these, drawn by duss005 of deviantART:

 Batman Beyond 2 Cover by duss005

 Streets of Gotham 11 by duss005

Batman is my favourite because it's a dark setting with a lot of black and dark greyish colours, which sets up the scene for a secret crime to be uncovered by Batman, and then stopped by him, and he works best in the dark, as he is camouflaged in dark rooms by his cape.

Pop Art

Examination of Art Types:

Pop Art

Pop art is a style of art that emerged in the mid-50s in England and the late 50s in America. It is most commonly seen today in comic books and often utilizes a diamond or dotted pattern to create the illusion of something being coloured in with more than one colour, for example, shading.

A picture of Cinderella in pop art:

The dotted pattern has helped to create a shading effect on the shoe, and a pale red effect on the face, as the dots are red but appear pink because of the white background.

The art style is mostly used for commercialism and advertising, so the above image could be a comment on women's apparent love of shoes, with the shoe being highlighted with stars.

There is also a style whereby there is an image of something copied and pasted around 4 times and recoloured differently each time, such as in this picture of Mr. Bean.

The colours used are very basic and there is very little detail in the images, but it looks detailed because the art style uses thin lines and draws wrinkles on the face, but really only flat colours were used with no shading techniques.

The first most famous piece of pop art is by Richard Hamilton drawn in 1956 and is considered to be one of the first works of "Pop art".

My personal favourite pop artist is Simon Free, who drew this picture:
Pop Art

I like it because it reminds me of the art style of Saints Row The Third, despite pop art not being in that game.

Moodboard research

My research into moodboards related to gaming

Here are 3 images that inspired me:

Monday, 14 October 2013

Scale and proportion

This upside down picture is an image of a stick version of me with the proportions scaled down exactly 1:10, ie. 10x smaller. It's upside down because of the scanner and I can't flip it over.